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Copyright. Kids Can Act Drama Studio. All rights reserved.

Not everyone is a mathematician, not everyone can write but everyone can act. 
Acting allows all students to havefun and shine.

“Tell me and I forget,

teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
― Benjamin Franklin

“Through drama you can become anyone, anywhere, at any time.”      ( ACU)

I believe that:-

  • Drama increases confidence, self-esteem, communication and everydaylifeskills.

  • Even shy students can hide behind a mask, a character or a puppet

  • Drama allows students with natural talent to develop those skills and find their full potential in a fun and encouraging atmosphere.

  • Drama assists students’ emotional  development and achieve improved  academic  grades

  • Students who may struggle in other areas of life and learning can be given another opportunity to develop   self-confidenceand to be  included in a group. 

  • Drama allows all students to experience success.

  • By working together in groups, drama helps students learn  team work,  make new  friends and develop a  sense of self worth

  • It allows students to learnrespect  for  others and  social  skills  

  • In an information driven world, drama may build students skills incommunication and persuasion  both in spoken and written work.

  • It can help develop their imagination and creativity

  • Drama can help students in their school work by teaching them  focus,  concentration and improve their  listening  skills

  • In scenario work, students may learncritical thinking and problem solving skills.

  • The most important benefit of drama is having great  FUN!
  • ​​​​​​To give all children the opportunity to shineand encourage creative thinking.​​
  • To nurture all students in a funenvironment in order to foster self-esteem and confidence.
  • To develop interpersonal skills such as social interaction, teamwork and problem solving.
  • To supportall children to achieve their own personal goals in drama and performance.
  • To be recognised as a drama studio who always encourages students to be the best they can.
  • To foster a creative atmosphere which will encourage students’ creativity.
  • To empower young artists and engage audiences to be dedicated, inspiring and respectful of each other.

Mission Statement